- UFC Function - You may be missing a great opportunity!
Did you even know that it exists? Let us share with you a secret that could easily double your sales. We would like to tell you about the full power of the UFC (Universal Flexi Com) function, which lets you freely edit serial data output or printing format via the serial interface.
Nowadays, the market is flooded with indicators from a number of different manufacturers. At first glance, these products all look alike. They are indeed alike, in terms of what they are capable of, so how can users make the best choices for their business? As long as it satisfies some basic requirements, they tend to be attracted to a less expensive product, and consequently refuel the price war. Many dealers therefore think that selling indicators is no longer a lucrative business.
However, Delta Elektronik, our agent in Turkey, is not one of these dealers. They found A&D, and the UFC function, when they were looking for indicators suitable to combine and sell with their platform scales. They began offering our AD-4405 with several different printer options (including its own built-in printer AD-4405-06) accentuating the customizability of the printing format, and their customers immediately responded (see their catalogue here).
This favorable response resulted in their company enjoying a larger profit margin with A&D, while at the same time maintaining their low-end products offered with another indicator brand. Higher prices posed little problem to their customers before the benefit that they and the UFC function provided.
"We wouldn't have chosen A&D but for the UFC function," commented Mr. Erkin Ozmeteler, manager of Delta Elektronik.
Mr. Erkin Ozmeteler at his workshop He edits the printing format whichever way he likes. A few other similar examples have been reported to us. In Singapore, the scales installed in the cargo areas of the airport there are connected to a printer to fill in the weight tag of each piece of cargo, whose format varies depending on the airline company. Using the UFC function, the weight data can be printed out using any tag format without any problems.
Curiously, in Sri Lanka, they use our products with the UFC function to facilitate the sales of printers they procure from elsewhere.
- All of these examples have one thing in common, and it is not merely the fact that they employ the UFC function. More importantly, there is creativity. They found a specific target (users who need to print out weighing data for a preferred application), knew exactly what would satisfy them (customizable printing format), and simply presented it to them (the UFC function). This creative process of matching may be referred to as “added value,” and the price is unlikely to be one of the users’ top priorities.
Can you think of any other examples of matching? There are innumerable customers with various kinds of problems out there, and we already have the means (i.e. products and functions) to solve them. If you have any ideas, or are actually employing a type of matching, please let us know. Your input is always welcome!